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Keywords: gastroesophageal reflux disease, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, insomnia, melatonin treatment.
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Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, primary disability, medical and social examination.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/utj.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 75 Intestinal microbiota and functional intestinal disorders, accompanied with bloat. Results of the use «Gastrolact» preparation in the complex treatment of the diseases, accompanied with bloatO.Yu. Gubs’ka, A.I. Taran, I.O. Rodionova, I.O. Lavrenchuk, A.S. SitnikovO.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv |
Keywords: bloat, gas-producing microflora, probiotics, simethicone, «Gastrolact».
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/utj.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 75 Modern views on the role and place of therapeutic and prophylactic dietetics in the internal organs diseasesD.K. MiloslavskySI «National Institute of Therapy named after L.T. Mala of NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv |
Keywords: clinical dietetics, clinical nutrition, internal diseases, metabolic disorders, food intolerance, promising directions in nutrition.
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